
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Big Lebowski

“I fuck you ups, man!” If I tell you that this silly sounding statement is the one that encapsulates what I felt about the Coen Brothers cult classic and masterpiece (one of many), you would either dismiss me as a surface level watcher of cinema at best and horribly inarticulate at worst. But, well, that’s just like your opinion, man . You know, everyone has one of those moments where he/she finds something that sends him/her into spits and when they try to explain that to someone, they just end up describing a very unfunny version of the funny thing, inducing perhaps an uncomfortable laughter from those who are trying to indulge you politely. Well, the people who have watched The Big Lebowski are a large group of such individuals who will have an incredibly hard time explaining that why they roll on the floor laughing every time Walter (played by an immaculate John Goodman) inserts Vietnam into any conversation. Or why is every seemingly dull, uncaring dialogue delivered by The Du...